Note :- This tutorial will only work for
Android’s Latest version ( ICS 4.0 or higher) as it comes with an option
to backup using adb tools with Android SDK on your system. You can backup the complete phone including your apk’s, data, etc.
If you don’t have Android SDK installed on your system , get it from here. Make sure you update it to the latest version (i.e., Rev 10).Tutorial
Step 1) Connect you device via USB to your PC or Laptop.Step 2) Now Open CMD -> Run as administrator.
Step 3) Move onto the directory where you have Android SDK installed. Navigate to the Platform tools folder .
Step 4) I hope you have reached to your desired directory , now you can use the command adb devices to check if your phone is connected. Just to ensure in case you had some connection failure.
Step 5) Now, the simplest way to create the backup is by using the command adb backup -all , this will create a full backup of your apps (not apk’s) and phone storage to the default file “backup.ab“, you can also specify the path manually, which will be covered later in this tutorial.
Step 6) After you have done this it will prompt you to enter the Encryption password , which will also be used to restore the backup later. So, do remember it else you will be in trouble. It will take ample amount of time after you have entered the password to create the backup.
Step 7) Once the full backup has been created, it will show the message “Backup Complete” . Now you can go for Rooting the device and after you are done with that “Restore” your backup from your PC. To restore type the command.
adb restore C:backup.ab
Step 8 ) Enter the encryption password that you have typed in earlier. It will again take ample amount of time to get back all your settings and data on the device. Eureka ….you have just created and restored the backup in few simple steps…..:)
You can make many customization to the command used to create the backup. Some of the attributes that can be used with adb backup command are :-
#1. -f (file_name) :- These switch can be used to save to your desired location in your hard drive. Example, “adb backup -f c:/first_backup.ab” will create the backup file in C: drive.
#2. -apk :- When you go for backup -all option it will not create a backup of your apps apk. Just in case if you want to create apk backup use “adb backup -apk -all”
#3. -shared :- For creating a backup of phone’s SD card . By default it’s -noshared.
#4. -system :- To Create a backup of system files.
#5. - packages :- To create backup of packages
Note :- Use these switches alongwith -all to be at safe site, do remember this tutorial is meant only for devices running Android 4.0.
How do you find this tutorial , just speak up in the comments section, I am eager to hear from you. Do Let me know if you have any problem in excecuting this piece of information. ~ sumber ~